
CoffeeBean Wi-Fi is a captive portal solution that integrates into the free WiFi of retail stores, shopping centers, airports or public venues to identify customers, build their profile and offer engagement over the portal.

The solution is based on three main pillars:

Build the customer identity

Using social login, progressive profiling and integrations to your platforms, we build a centralized database with your customers’ identities and rich data profiles. This data can then be sent to marketing solutions for more accurate campaigns and visualized on different types of analytics.

Engagement with your clients

Communicate with your clients in real time when they are at your store accessing the Wi-Fi by showing images and videos contents at the captive portal flow. Later, when they are at home, engage with them via SMS, email, or push notifications.

Comply with regulations

When users access the Wi-Fi of your venue, you are responsible for their data and the actions they take on your network, according to the data and privacy regulations. CoffeeBean Wi-Fi offers tools such as access logs and consent management to help you comply with such regulations.


CoffeeBean’s Identity and Access Platform integrates into the free WiFi of retail stores, shopping centers, airports or public venues to identify customers and build their profile to offer engagement over a captive portal.

The platform integrates with the main WiFi vendors including Cisco, HP-Aruba, Ruckus, Extreme Networks and others.

This solution, combined with our Single Sign-On, can assist companies in identifying and authenticating customers who also utilize their websites, mobile apps and physical stores (via WiFi).

Captive Portal

Captive Portal

CoffeeBean’s WiFi solution allows you to create personalized experiences on a Captive Portal by customizing logos, templates and the navigation flow. It also provides different options to authenticate your customers:


  • Social login (Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram)
  • Traditional login (email and password)
  • Guest login (filling a form)
  • SMS
  • WhatsApp

Content Management

Content Management

Configure the portal to display different and personalized content after the customer logs into the WiFi network. Schedule campaigns, create highlights and personalize content using the customer’s identity.

This solution also features an option to distribute ads to be displayed over the WiFi captive portal, supporting a flexible flow that includes pre-login and post-login steps and also allows campaigns to be scheduled (start time, end time and duration).


Portal Configuration

Portal Configuration

CoffeeBean offers a dashboard where you can manage all the settings of the Captive Portal. Among the different configurations are:


  • Definition of authentication method (social login, email and password, SMS, form, etc).
  • Automatic login option.
  • Definition of authentication limits such as maximum number of logins per period, session timeout, idle timeout, etc.
  • Arrange WiFi hotspots in groups based on venues to simplify the management of the different portals.
  • Build and manage forms for registration or survey for the clients.

Analytics and Logs

Analytics and Logs

The platform provides reports about the WiFi network usage: session count, session time, download and upload data transferred. All reports can be filtered by groups and venues and aggregated by time period.

In addition to the reports, the CoffeeBean WiFi platform offers access logs to track the users who have been accessing the wifi. These logs can also be aggregated by time period and exported in JSON or CSV format.

Heatmap and Location Analytics

Heatmap and Location Analytics

CoffeeBean’s Heatmap for Wi-Fi provides visibility on how visitors move throughout your store, restaurant, shopping mall, stadium or any other space.


Our Location Analytics Solution works together with the Heatmap, capturing data related to the location of the users inside a shopping mall, department store, restaurant, etc.

The captured raw data is turned into easy-to-understand and dynamic reports presented over a BI solution. This data helps you gain insights about the visitors’ experience and create targeted user segments.


Using these segments you can then send customized messages based on their behavior and profile to better impact and convert your customers.



CoffeeBean delivers an omnichannel experience, by combining its Wi-Fi and CIAM solutions.

The same technology used to register and authenticate users on the Wi-Fi captive portal can also be integrated on your website, or mobile e-commerce app. This enables your customers to login in to any of these channels in the same way.


  • Your customers have the same experience over all your channels.
  • You can capture additional data from each of the channels the user accesses to enhance their customer identity.
  • CoffeeBean creates and maintains a single database with all your customers’ data, doesn’t matter where they came from (website, e-commerce, app or Wi-Fi).

WiFi Vendors Integration

WiFi Integration Vendors

WiFi Vendors Integration

WiFi Vendors Integration

The platform integrates with main WiFI hardware vendors (Access Points and Controllers). Below you will find a list with all the vendors.

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